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  • Artist rendering of Patrick by Ninjacat.
  • Artist rendering of Jon by Plague Of Gripes.
  • Official awesomemally dino logo drawn by Mallory (awesomemally) (episodes 16-33) and nokkenstudio (episodes 34-Present).
  • Intro and outro music used in each episode is "Disconnected" by Bill Beats.
  • Intro and outro music used in episodes 18 through 85 is "Lil' Debbies & Arizona Ice Tea! (Prod. SublimeCloud)" by the coolest, jazziest rapper and friend of the podcast, SkyBlew.
  • Intro and outro music used in episodes 16 and 17 and for Reconnected Cast is "The 104 Ft. PHYZ The Otaku MC & Kadesh Flow" by the amazing, passionate rapper and friend of the podcast, EyeQ.
  • Intro and outro music used in episodes 1-15 and special episodes 1 and 2 is sampled from "The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me (Instrumental)" by Tone Clash.
  • Donations are not required but much appreciated, if you please!

Sep 2, 2019

Download the Podcast | Episode Teaser Trailer

A future throwback episode; the two idiots are back at it again. Scummy devs, bad monetization, and the future. Greed never changes.

New episodes every Monday at 11 a.m. CST. Intro and outro music used in each episode with direct permission is "Lil' Debbies & Arizona Ice Tea! (Prod. SublimeCloud)" by SkyBlew.


  1. Matt's Amazing Tribute Piece on Clover Studios
  2. Rise of the Deception Walker
  3. JOKAH!
  4. Looks Like Tell-Tales isn't really... walking dead.
  5. No-Name DJ Dimitri Vegas Copyright Striking Youtubers for Using his MK11 Skin and Bad Voice Acting (No article link, just a douche.)
  6. Overwatch Switch Release About As Uncertain as if the Sun Will Rise Tomorrow
  7. Two Fuck Ass Games From Two Fuck Ass Companies Collab
  8. Yakuza 7: Turn-based Yumminess
  9. Not Guillermo Del Toro as Guillermo Del Toro
  10. Industry Abuse Continues to Hit an All-time High